Wednesday, November 3, 2010

If we lived like fish.

Yes, I think I might have Adult ADHD... my mind is constantly wondering and wandering on random things. Here is a list of some of the random questions and thoughts I've been pondering lately:

What would it be like if we had to eat like fish do in an aquarium? Where the food is just floating down all around us? Just open your mouth and *chomp.*

What's the highest a dust pile has ever been in someone's home?

How many licks does it ~really~ take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop? And why did they NOT play that commercial this year for Halloween candy?

Is it me, or would you pay BIG money to be put on a "do not contact" list for political solicitation? And that money would go to whatever charity you deem appropriate.

Why is men's underwear more expensive than women's? We don't see men parading around in their skivvies on tv like women do. I want to see some Calvin Klein skivvy commercials! And during NFL games.

Whoever invented M&M's was a genius. (not really a question, but a very amazing observation.)

Does anyone really use the black carbon paper insert paper thingys anymore?

How many drops of water really ARE in the ocean?

Did I see Santa driving down I5 today on a Harley? Shouldn't he be working some OT at the North Pole?

Would we be able to survive if everything electronic (Yes, Everything) just stopped working?

If Atlantis really did exist, and really was extremely far more intelligent than we will ever be, why didn't they leave some kind of proof behind. The Egyptians did. Even ancient Asian and Mexican and South American civilizations did.

I think the Mayan Calendar runs out in 2012 because the people who were making the calendar figured there wouldn't be anyone around to see that time anyway, so they just stopped. Either that or they got bored. Or tired. Or ran out of the magic "spirit" medicinals they were using.

I think there HAS to be a use for baby drool. Scientists should analyze this stuff and figure out if we can use it for energy or a cure for some disease. It's in mass quantities where ever you go. And it's completely renewable.

If I had a magic power, it would be to send thoughts/messages to my children from anywhere and at anytime.

I would love to live in my 6 year old's head for one day. What a magical world that would be.

What would it feel like to drive 200 mph?

There are more, but they get a bit, uhm, odd. Hopefully I'm not alone in some of these questions. That reminds me, I need to go feed the fish.

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