Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011.1 Lists

I'm making lists. And I'm including everything that I do already so I feel like I'm accomplishing something on my list. This year, I'm writing my list of things that I want to accomplish for the month in hopes that I am proactive and not reactive. (Granted, when it comes to that point, I'm about as reactive as Chernobyl....and that is not a good thing...... for anyone...trust me.)

So for January, my list of things I want to accomplish is as follows:
*write at least 2000 words a week (500 words 4 times a week)
*finish de-hoarding my house
*the normal stuff: laundry, vacuum, clean/dust bathrooms, etc.
*acknowledge the kids and the husband at least once a day
*Smile more :)
*take the dog for a walk 3 times a week
*keep up on the calendar (both filling it in and making it to appts w/o forgetting (sorry E & N)

I'm sure I'll forget things. That's just how my mind operates, er rather, doesn't, at this point. No resolutions this year. Can't remember what they are/were anyway. Hopefully I remember to look at this list so I know what I'm supposed to be doing. And if I forget something, well, guess I'll have to suit up for another Chernobyl meltdown....

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